Part 10: Updating Information
Updating our Overview
We can now login and transfer money. However, our overview isn’t updated. So let’s change this.
We add another state object to our initialState:
const initialAcctDetails = {
username: '',
accountNumber: '',
balance: 0
const initialState = {
route: 'login',
loginDetails: initialLoginDetails,
txDetails: initialTxDetails,
acctDetails: initialAcctDetails
We further change the code slightly in our onAuthentication method, and pass state to our Overview:
class App extends Component {
onAuthentication = async (route) => {
let success = response['success']
let message = response['message']
let result = response['result']
if (success) {
route: 'overview',
acctDetails: result['account_details']
render() {
state = {this.state}
onRouteChange = {this.onRouteChange}
We then inherit it down to the relevant component that shows it:
class Overview extends Component {
render () {
return (
onRouteChange = {this.props.onRouteChange}
state = {this.props.state}
class AccountInformation extends Component {
render () {
let acctInfo = this.props.state.acctDetails
return (
<Table striped bordered hover>
<th>Account Number</th>
and in the AccountInformation table, we replace the previous placeholders by the actual values. Now, everytime we login, our information is fetched from the database and shown in our overview!
Updating our Transaction table
Our account information is shown, but not the transactions that are made. Let’s change that.
We go to our main/ file:
def fetch_transactions(account_number):
tx_query = Transaction.query.filter_by(
to_account = account_number
from_account = account_number
txs_raw = tx_query.all()
if len(txs_raw) == 0:
return False, []
txs = get_dicts(txs_raw)
return True, txs
def get_overview(user):
tx_exists, txs = fetch_transactions(user.account_number)
return gen_result_dict(
account_details = gen_result_dict(
username = user.username,
accountNumber = user.account_number,
balance = user.balance,
tx_table = gen_result_dict(
tx_exists = tx_exists,
txs = txs
What happens here is that we query the database for all transactions that were sent by the user, then we query the database for all the transactions that were received by the user (since we want both), and then we take the union of that, resulting in all our transactions we are interested in. However, it returns a list of Transaction objects, which cannot be sent to our frontend since it is not in JSON format. When we query it it looks like this:
>>> Transaction.query.first().__dict__
{'_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x000001C3B82AA320>,
'from_account': '1', 'to_account': '2', 'currency': 'EUR', 'amount': 1, 'id': 1, 'date': 'now'}
All the info in there we want, except the _sa_instance_state which is not relevant for us directly.
For that we add some code to
def get_dict_from_object(
to_exclude = '_sa_instance_state'
db_dict = sqlalchemy_obj.__dict__
new_dict = {
key: db_dict[key]
for key in db_dict.keys()
if key not in to_exclude
return new_dict
def get_dicts(query):
return [
get_dict_from_object(obj) for obj in query
In the get_dict_from_object we take a SQLAlchemy object, and create dict copying all values into that new dict, skipping the ones from the to_exclude list. Since we have a list of objects, we need to do this for every object in the list. We then have our result at the backend. We move back to our frontend.
We add another object to our state:
const initialTxTable = {
exists: false,
txs: []
const initialState = {
route: 'login',
loginDetails: initialLoginDetails,
txDetails: initialTxDetails,
acctDetails: initialAcctDetails,
txTable: initialTxTable
and in our onAuthentication method
class App extends Component {
onAuthentication = async (route) => {
if (success) {
route: 'overview',
acctDetails: result['account_details'],
txTable: result['tx_table']
Every time we login all our transactions are now fetched, but the table is not updated. Let’s change that.
We go to Overview.js where we have our TransactionTable inherit the state and we change our TransactionTable component:
class Overview extends Component {
state = {this.props.state}
class TransactionTable extends Component {
render () {
let txTable = this.props.state.txTable
return (
<Table striped bordered hover>
<th>Transaction ID</th>
<th>From Account</th>
<th>To Account</th>
? => (
<p>No transactions found!</p>
In there we remove our placeholder code. We first check if there are any transactions (tx_exists = true), if there aren’t we display the text of No transactions found!. If there are transactions, we display one transaction per row using the elements from the JSON object.
Everything will now work. If you create two accounts using our Register functionality, and send a few transactions from one account to the other, it now looks like this:
Try it!
There is one minor thing that still needs to be fixed. If we send a transaction, and we go back to our overview, our table is not updated. This is because clicking on the ‘Overview’ button in Navigation merely moves us to the overview, but a new query on the database is not run with the updated numbers. We want this to happen everytime we go back to our Overview.
We already have most of our logic in our register and login methods. I could change the existing methods, but since I want to keep it clean I’ll just add another small method that just queries the database in the backend, while keeping the same frontend method (onAuthentication). We do this in
@app.route('/get_overview_route', methods = ['GET', 'POST'])
def get_overview_route():
message = request.get_json()
_, username, _ = message.values()['loginDetails']
user = db_query(User, 'username', username)[1]
result = get_overview(user)
return gen_result_dict(
success = True,
result = result
We just get the username, query the database for the overview, and return the result.
In our Navigation we change the route that is invoked:
class Navigation extends Component {
render () {
return (
<Navbar fixed = "top" className="justify-content-end">
variant = "primary"
onClick = {() => {this.props.onAuthentication('get_overview_route')}}
We now need to add that method to our Navigation component:
class App extends Component {
render() {
: this.state.route === 'transfer'
onRouteChange = {this.onRouteChange}
sendTransaction = {this.sendTransaction}
onFormTextChange = {this.onFormTextChange}
onAuthentication = {this.onAuthentication}
class TransferPage extends Component {
render () {
return (
onRouteChange = {this.props.onRouteChange}
onAuthentication = {this.props.onAuthentication}
We also change one last thing in App.js, since our Authentication methods all had messages, but we don’t want to show one if you just move to your overview, we have to account for that:
class App extends Component {
onAuthentication = async (route) => {
if (success) {
route: 'overview',
acctDetails: result['account_details'],
txTable: result['tx_table']
if (route !== 'get_overview_route') {
This way we don’t want to show a message if one goes to their own overview. Nice!
Everything works now! Well done, try it!