less than 1 minute read


Hi all, and welcome. Today we will be creating our first frontend. An application without a frontend is like talking to a person without a face. Try sending your message directly into the brain. Yeah, no fun.

Installing node.js and npm

We will be using node.js and npm.

Follow this link to install them.

Verify they are installed by running

node -v

npm -v

Ok nice, we can now start!

Creating a React application

Go into the folder where your application will be located. Here I will create the frontend by running the following command:

npx create-react-app frontend

This will create a React app in a folder called frontend, including all necessary packages, etc. Move into it and start the application by typing the following:

cd frontend
npm start

You now have a running React application! Well done!

Now, in the next section we will be adding functionality to this.

Next Section: Creating an Overview

